Wednesday, September 9, 2009

SUPER MARIO 3 invincibility codes: ....FOUND after 20 years.

note that Game Genie codes are different from our Cheats using the decimal system.
BOTH can be found on our Gaming Page, (from The·Game·Lord);
although our personal archives are more vastly extensive than Game-Genie.
PLUS, we've re-coded our entire collection for 100% compatibility with EMULATORS.
(such as GENS, FCEU, and SNES9x)

Our personal CODE collection has become the standard for Classic Gaming Emulation.
Courtesy of TheGameLord !
However, Galoob's Game Genie Cheats are also worth while.

Now, with that said, please enjoy the blog.
It's a true story about an amazing GameGenie code that was lost for 22 years.

Okay. Let me take you back to the early release of Game Genie.
It was a rocky start because Nintendo Banned all sales to the USA.
So, Galoob was forced to confine all sales to Canada.
(via, Camerica, Corporation.
SO, needless to say, I quickly planned a trip to Toronto, so I could get my game genie.
But, luckily I was able to find a distributor through a catalog.
Please remember, there was no World Wide Web, back then. And, getting information wasn't easy.
SO, I bought my game genie's, from CANADA; for a hefty $150 dollar price tag. (each).

and, upon their arrival, I was amazed to see that many codes were already available.
Most impressively, was the newly released Super Mario 3.
And, my favorite code was "Invincibility while mario is small".
THis allowed me to get the full feel for the game, while still remaining immune to death.
The distributor for Game Genie in Canada was Camerica. They made many great Joysticks.
But, finally, Galoob won their court decision, and Game-Genie sales were permitted in the U.S.A.
But, in their 2nd-EDITION manual, something big was missing.
"That Code" for Super Mario 3 was gone !!!
Sure, there were many other great codes available.
but, it just didn't create the same look or feel.
My research also concluded that the code was removed because the game could freeze after completion.
and, you wouldn't be able to see the ending. This problem could be solved by pressing up.
But, please remember: this came at a time when nothing could be saved.
Nowadays, you can save your location at any point.
SO, who cares if the game freezes ???

So, I sometimes searched for the original CHEAT MANUAL (from Camerica), and COULD NOT FIND IT.
I shouldn't admit this, but, each time I cleaned my garage, I was always desperate to find that damned manual.
Hoping that, someday, I would find that code again.

But, after a decade of searching; I had given up hope completely. ...Although I hadn't forgotten about it.

Then finally, 20 years later, I finally stumbled upon that damn manual.
It's a rare find !!!! and, it was lost for 20 years; then finally found !!!

SO, here's the great invincibility codes for Super Mario Bros. 3,
on 8-bit FCEUx emulator (and nestopia):


also try:

and don't forget:
(when you've already become TANOOKI, Fiery Mario, Racoon Mario, etc.):

editors note: we've re-written this blog, 12 years later.

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